My father requested this recipe sometime last week, and I thankfully had the foresight to jot the idea down in my kitchen journal as he said it, then revisit the note with a formal recipe (here's the one i used), until finally I could wait no longer : had my mini loaf pans with the lids ($2, guys) and my bananas on the counter were starting to show brownish-blackish spots on their skin, so it was good to go for a banana nut bread day.
I love baking on a cold day. The house is sealed up so tight, once the heat hits the windows it condenses on contact, giving my home an effect of being in a sauna, or a good-smelling cloud. The child in me wants to draw in the cooling layer of window wet, but the asshole in me just wants to scrawl "FUCK YOU" seventeen times. It is a balancing act, being an adult, I suppose. \
These turned out moist and flavorful, with a nice browned crust and a signature spice to it, not to mention the bread screams bananas once it reaches your mouth. Get your house smelling good with this recipe, and give yourself a busy morning breakfast option, if they make it till tomorrow (I froze a loaf, after displaying one and giving one to a fellow kitchenista that lives down the hill. She always gives me food, and I don't want her to stop, so I figure returning the favor is the only ethical solution. Plus, if you accept a dish from someone, you're sort of socially bound togastronomically reciprocate. Manners!)
350/an hour
- 2c flour
- t salt
- 2t baking soda
- c (2 stick) butter
- c sugar
- c brown sugar
- 2c banana (overripe)
- 4 egg
- c walnuta
- t vanilla
- cinnamon
- ginger
- nutmeg
- allspice
1. preheat the oven or you'll forget and fuck this up.
2. mix everything together, wet with wet, dry with dry. make sure to really mash the bananas up. i usually cream my butter and sugar together, makes it smoother. make sure to not overstir, or it'll be rock hard.
3. fill muffin pan, loafpan, really whatever you want, as long as it's 3/4, so it can rise properly. Test it with a knife or a fork for doneness. Don't burn these, you'll feel terrible and they're not salvagable once black. I tried it once. Tasted like shit. Do avoid. Just set an alarm and you'll be fine. I usually bake with my nose anyway (burnt sugar smells like defeat, it does!).
4. Let cool before removing from pan or attempting to slice, or it'll crumble or you'll shove your thumb through it and not only fuck it up, but burn the shit out of yourself. The bready insides are boiling ass hot, and are an unmerciful experience to any soft, fleshy digit or unassuming thumb. Share with the family or they'll resent you. Pretty sure they can smell it baking from their house.